Tuesday, December 15, 2009

T-Minus Eighty Five Days

This past week, there has been teeth and lists, a very fun combination. The lists consist of multiple to-do’s, such as Things To Sell, Things To Pack, Things To Do (And How To Do The Things To Do) and other such good things. My personal favorite is ‘Things To Pay Off’, such as my 500$ credit line with the bank, a few months of my car (just in case!) and as much of my store cards as humanly possible. It isn’t an impossible dream, simply a difficult one to achieve. Though if I were looking for an easy street, it would not be through moving across country to chill out with people I have not met before, wouldn’t it?

I'm contemplating making a list of which list to worry about first, or the most important thing on ech list. It isn't as easy as it sounds.

From the 'Things To Do' list, it may be compiling the notes for my novel, selling some of my things, or getting the AAA TripTik. When it comes to the 'Stuff to Sell' list... Well, pretty much all of it is important. Most will go via garage sale. 'Stuff to Bring' is ranged from bras to notebooks to knee-high socks.

All of them are fantastic and beautiful, of course. My lists are known for being awesome and obsessive-compulsive. Doubtless there will be much refinding, revising, and removing to the poor lists. It is their fate.

The best part about the lists, I have to admit, is the fact that I’m writing them at work. They aren’t being written while I should be doing work, but when we’re on a lull and there is nothing else to do. 'Post Codes' can NOT be considered work - those are a waste of time and something that we should not be doing on a daily basis. As things go, it's simply mind numbing, not an actual pain.

Either way, my plans to move are being formulated while at work, the job that I'm keeping in the dark about my plans to move until two weeks before I actually leave. There's no malicious intent going on here except for the knowledge that my boss would cut my hours if he knew I would no longer be his employee at the end of the year. I'm staying around for our largest show ever, so it really shouldn't be a problem, but better to err on the side of caution.

It gives me time to organize my thoughts, things, and how I will be handling everything. Will I be leaving December here? What kind of clothes should I leave? Can I find a mental health clinic to get my meds? What about a dental school so I could fix my teeth?

The biggest concern is money. It probably should be the fact that I've never met the girl I'm moving in with, the current lack of California job, and the moving across country but, no. It's the money. I need enough to get out there, keep the rent going, to not cut off all ties as I get up there.

This, of course, calls for more lists. :)

'Why Life Isn't Horrid' will be my next. It will be the shining glory of lists, despite being a short one. I've discovered that very few things are free, dental work being not one of them.

On Monday, I went to the dentist for a chipped front tooth. My dog and I had played outside one day and he came up under my chin, fast. I heard crack; the front left tooth felt flat and unnatural.

As a few may know, I've had a gastric problem since I was a kid. My stomach made far too much acid and as a result I vomited bile for quite a few yeaars. The end came to the Hiroshima of my enamel, destroying all hopes of a healthy mouth.

I've had multiple fillings, two root canals, and an extraction. On this particular visit, I was told I would need two root canals, two repairs/fillings, and an intense cleaning to prevent further cavities. The total will come to a little over five grand.

Luckily, I was approved for a medical credit line, enough to cover my fillings and cleaning. My therapist suggested a dental school, so that is something I will look into. Beth, one of my very best things, started a FaceBook 'campaign' to raise money.

Fingers are crossed that something crops up. It usually does!

As of Thursday, there will be little pictures to demonstrate what it is I'm talking about. Something cute or... Well, I just want to do them. Ha!

Till then,


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