Monday, April 12, 2010

He got it!

Dad officially got the job! Hurrah! He starts April 26th and congratulations are definately in order as of now! Dancing was included - and high-fives.

My previous entries in recent times have been spurred on by emo, something I find distasteful. Ewwwww. It's also been cause for people to worry and mention these things to me outloud. Talking about my feelings isn't a strong point and is something I find highly distasteful (as anyone who has attempted to do this will tell you, O Readers). In fact, avoidance is my favorite way to deal with emotional matters.

THIS blog post, however, is not fueled by emo. It isn't being pressed on by pure joy and candy-farting unicorns but it surely isn't some depressing rant of blah-ness. No, it's brought on by my farting DOG, dear lord ugh.

Moving will be happening. My last class will be ending August 10th, something to lend me plenty of time to prepare. The idea of leaving cape coral is immensely pleasurable to me, although leaving my family and friends that I have down here so close to the holidays will be difficult. The idea of getting my BA in Virginia and returning to Florida just long enough to get a Certification from FSU is present and tempting.

Who knows? Certianly not me.

Summer B means the probability of me going to Vancouver for the fireworks is diminished by great amounts. This is also sad but what can you do? They didn't have the class i needed for Summer A so I take what I can get.

I have a severely TMI post in the works, designing a logo for this silly blog, and have put all of my books in planning and in progress IN ORDER finally oh god; now I have to compile all the notes I have for them before I move so I'm not hauling along ten million binders of absolute crap-tastic notes, half of which are out of date and not relevant to the story now anyway!

There are twelve stories in the planning stages or currently being worked on. One is the designated 'NaNoWriMo Only' book and five or so are my fairy-tale short stories so it's not horrid.

Today was a good day. A busy as hell work week is to follow!

Until next time, O Blog-


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