Thursday, August 26, 2010

Today I found out why straight girls are such jerks to guys.

For the whole of my life, I always thought the girls who were absolute snobs to guys were the Bad Guys. There isn't really any sort of villain in this situation anyway but, heck - if I had known that being nice to a guy meant they were going to hit on you, I'd be a total jerk too. In Florida, we were raised to not be rude to people, no matter their color, sexuality, or where on the salary scale they fell. In the entire time in Florida, I never (to my knowledge) had a guy think I was flirting just because I wasn't being mean to him.

I mean - really? Now my landlords son thinks we're going to go on a date or, or something to the extent where he asked my father if it was okay for us to do that. Really. Really? It's very Southern Gentleman of him as Beth pointed out but JesusAllahBuddha, we talked for five minutes and in that span of time, he mentioned that he and other landlords son go bowling sometimes with friends and, since I knew no one in town, I should come with every so often. That's fine. A little bit awkward (especially after asking my age and telling me I wasn't a snob like the girls in Virginia) but I managed to get myself out of the conversation because I had defrosting mice in my bag and the newest Harvest Moon.

This blog is horribly short. I have more to tell about my first drive around Manassas, alone, and finding a few things around the town, but obligations are calling me away. I just had to express disbelief.

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