Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Another Dy, Another Dollar

Padre just came over to pick up some things from the garage he had stored here. It was a sad moment, seeing the back of his van packed up with things he was putting into storage just down the block. Bittersweet, as a companion of mine put it. Bittersweet.

I realized yesterday that I have at least two blog posts written down but never typed. They'll probably never see the light of day! The weird thing is that those are the happy, optimistic blog posts - you poor folks are subjected to my utter emo and grump. Sorry about that. The three page rant about how tea is delicious may be typed up either way, very hopefully posted; I rather liked it. A lovely use of words if I'm allowed to be arrogant and proud for a wee moment. It doesn't happen often.

Hopefully a haircut will be done this lovely day. I've been the victim of jaw length hair for about a month now. Luckily for me and my poor hairdresser, I took photos from the back, side and front of the previous haircut so I have full color references of what I want down and how I want it done. Be proud, Beth! I thought ahead.

My former-future roommate talked to me, sort of. She stood up for me when an ex got on my case for wanting short hair; the ex called short hair feminine and insinuated that it meant I would not be lovely and femme without my longer hair. Once the former-future roommate stood up for me, the ex insulted how she looked! Sparks flew. It was epic, amazing and I fell utterly in love all over again with former-future roomie.

I typo'd 'love' into 'loe'. Blogger didn't give me the red line (but did this second time) - a mystery of spell check and Blogger! A conspiracy? I think so.

There was an article in a science magazine I have somewhere in my hell hole of a room in January about blogs and how social communication websites are actually ruining social interactions. According to this article, it made people think they had an actual voice and fresh thoughts, giving them the confidence to write these things online but failing to actually follow through.

Have I written about this before? Possibly. Either way, I think of that article every time I write in any of my blogs. For me blogs aren't so much about having a 'voice' on the internet but they are for getting out what I'm thinking in a coherant, somewhat organized manner. In person or over the internet in regular conversation, I have the tendency to blather about rather random subjects and in great jumbled masses of words. Long words. Exceedingly odd words with supposedly odder pronunciation. (Did you know that 'caramel' is pronounced 'car-mul' instead of 'car-a-mel'? I didn't. I like my version better.)

Voices are overrated. Writing about my travels this year is about me and keeping my family informed about my on goings without having to repeat myself seven times at a time. It means I will be able to look back this Christmas and remember what, exactly, was going down at that time last year. It's an exciting prospect, people! This process is akin to looking back in your high school journals: exceedingly embaressing but completely required for human growth.

Speaking of blathering, the tea has kicked in. Going to go get those silly pictures done, now.

Until next time (and a possible tea rant), peace!


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