This wasn't in zoom! Ha! I was right up near this silly little peacock at Busch Gardens. He seemed completely at ease with people around him. It was rather cool.
Lies had been told about last Sundays lack of photo update. Friday evening and Saturday were two very absorbing days to the point where the thought of getting it down made my head hurt.
Basically, my mother was admitted into the hospital on Saturday morning, I walked out on work that afternoon without being fired, and she just got home yesterday.
I came home from work Friday night to her on the couch in pain. We both thought it was the stomach flu, as my little sister and her boyfriend had just gotten over the same thing. According to my mom, it felt like her insides were seizing up and hurt worse than childbirth. She retreated to the bathroom to sit on the ground and kick at the wall whereas I went straight to Google.
The results? Ovarian cyst, intestinal blockage, or diverticulitis. As she's already had surgery for her diverticulitis and her ovaries removed, I voted for a blockage. Mother said no, couldn't be, and so we waited another thirty minutes. Finally, finally she agreed to go with me to the ER.
Fast forward three hours and it's 1 AM. We get seen and a room because we know a nurse there (a lovely young lady, by the by). Mom is still in pain, I'm falling asleep and worried because it hadn't stopped by one in the morning, and then the news comes back:
Intestinal Blockage.
Have to admit it, internet - I did a little fist pump. Mom didn't believe me when we were at home because Google apparently doesn't know anything. We chilled out at the hospital until the doctors told us Mom was being admitted because surgery may be a factor (hurrah for the now-present NG Tube) - I left the place around three when my sister and her puppy showed up.
Things happened at work the next day that resulted in me leaving the office and my boss angry. This is the internet so all you need to know is that things were said to me and I chose to remove myself from the situation when the opportunity presented itself. It. Felt. Good. Let it be known that I may be a pushover, easily forced into doing things, but I will never let someone tell me I don't have the right to speak out against slander. Human rights ho! Oppression be damned.
All in all, life was crazy. Lunch with the grandparents, sister, sisters boyfriend, and father was good, even though I was in a horrible mood and rather grumpy. Worrying about my job status two months before moving and mother being in the hospital meant I acted like a complete bitch.
Also, I have decided to not put a set schedule on my blog posts. I had something all written out but by the time the next Tuesday rolled around, it had become an irrelevant topic (my teeth and lack of money for them, I believe).
Putting on weight. Will diet, try to exercise.
I'm going to miss my pets once I move. No one has made an offer on Shredder, which is... upsetting. My mother refuses to keep and/or feed him once I'm gone and I'll be moving into a place with two kittens, let alone the cross-country trip that will last for days in mid-winter. Granted I'm driving the southern route but - I just don't know.
Sigh. Life is officially going to get crazy! HOO-RAH. Let's just pray it isn't as crazy as this last week and a half.
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