I rear ended someone so as far as the state of Florida is concerned, I am at fault. Luckily, the woman is just fine (I don't think she was wearing her seat belt) and her car, a gigantic pick up truck, was only scratched. Everything that happened to her is purely plastic.
My car on the other hand has a crumbled hood, a burst radiator, the glass in the lights are out (although they still work, oddly enough). The gentleman at the repair shop said it looked worse than it actually is. I'm not hurt at all, just sore, tired, and cranky. The police officer looked as if he didn't want to give me the citation but, again, according to the state the crash was my fault.
It happened in rush hour. The other woman and I weren't going fast at all (I was barely clocking thirty eight). We were both slowing down in order to go into the turn lane that had been coming up. It was a bit stop and go, so I was getting even further back than one 'normally' would in the situation. Had it continued to be stop and go, we would have been fine, nothing would have happened.
However, she stopped cold. I'm talking her foot went to the floor, she stopped dead in the road. My foot slammed down as well. I had two choices in the span of five seconds: swerve and hit her still, ripping a huge hole in my car and go over a huge concrete hump, possibly going into a deep crevice or hit her straight on.
I hit her straight on. Hindsight, had I swerved, my car would have been worse off and I could very possibly been hurt very badly, even with my seat belt securely in place.
My parents showed up and once the status was put on my Facebook I received no less than three phone calls and multiple text messages/IMs. When checking my DeviantArt, there were four comments complimenting the short I had just posted. All of that made the day better.
Today, Dad and I went to the insurance company, repair shop, we filed our claim and put through my new registration. I was grumpy as hell, despite having passed out at an extremely early time and dozing for about three hours throughout the night. I'm better now, having ingested tea and gotten back into my home.

Poor Minion. We're still finding out what's going to be going down with that.
That said, I'm still planning on an Etsy account, depending on what sort of shipping options I can find. The one I used to get Beth her stuff STILL hasn't arrived and thus I dislike it. Her reaction will tell me if I can or cannot pull it off. Love you madly, Beth! :D Be a picky creature with them.
It's been suggested I put up my paypal account up. I'm not expecting jack from anyone, feel no obligation, but the person who suggested reads this and would get grumpy if I didn't do it. :P My paypal account address is nozomi_ga_kanau@hotmail.com If someone DOES decide to throw a few sheckles, call it a 'gift'.
See you all later. Hope everyone has a better weekend than myself! Heh.
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