Tuesday, January 5, 2010

T-Minus Sixty Four Days

People sometimes give me flack for being online so often. It's not healthy, I don't get out and do all the things a normal person should, etc, etc. while this is very true for many people, it's an escape for me.

I know I've mentioned this about ten million times, but I have Bipolar Disorder Atypical. It includes depression, a disassociative disorder, suicidal tendancies, some paranoia, social anxiety, and a fuckload of self-esteem issues. The internet is my escape.

So when people get shitty at me for forgetting something that takes five minutes to correct and is out of the norm, it sucks for me. In fact, being shot at verbally and on the turn of a dime is one of the major reasons why I'm leaving. Fact is that these shots come mostly from a person close to me where I am stuck in close contact with for long periods of time.

I need to leave. I need to get out of here and I'm itching to get out now. I am tired of this. Information and pictures from Beth comes Thursday. (Beth, by the way, has been absolutely lovely.)


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