Sunday, December 27, 2009

T-Minus Seventy-Three Days

There goes my declaration to update each Tuesday and Thursday. I still have every intention of following through on such a decision - it will just need to come post holidays. Whether or not I will have internet in the next week or so is debatable, although I don't think I'll mind over much.

The last few weeks have been more around Beth's visit than the move to California. Beth and I have been planning her trip here for more than a year, her ticket purchased months ago, and I am just as excited now as I had been when we were talking about this. Beth is from Vancouver and is, happily, one of my very best friends. We've known one another for at least five years now, give or take a year or two, and she stuck by me through the horrid years of high school, the poor girl.

Living close to her is actually a thing of huge appeal when it comes to moving to CA. She'll be a days drive away as opposed to a full flight, seven hundred dollars worth, and that alone is fantastic. Living WITH Dare, living near Beth, not in Florida, in a place with a (mostly) clean slate...

Look't that. I'm getting all giddy again.

My Yule was fine, very dandy. While the actual holiday I celebrated went un-announced as quite a few people don't even know what it is and I wasn't in any sort of the mood to explain to the masses. Christmas went just as well, with a tad bit more fanfair.

Christmas Eve was spent with my father. My sister and I had actually spent the night at his house so we could wake up Christmas-Eve-Morning with him. I awoke to my sisters three month old puppy licking my nostril.

Breakfast was had and when I returned home from a rather good day at work, he gave me the best present I've had since my sister: an e-mail from a company he applied to about a job position.

There was much gleeful flailing. Afterward, I received a chocolate orange and all became right within the world. My aunt had driven from Miami! So we partook of delicious ham that night.

There was no puppy-breath Christmas morning, although my year and a half old Dobie-mix managed to sprawl himself on me during the night. Our five year old Beagle mix cuddled up against my feet as well, and my cat perched herself on the edge of the couch I passed out on. A good way to start, I thought.

Coffee cake, gifts. Mom bought me a jacket for the move, and a camera, saying she wanted pictures of the adventures. Also, brightly colored socks! Kelsey gave me a lovely scarf and a foot-tall Kuan Yin, the goddess of compassion.

More time with the Daddio (in which I received a charmin to-go roll for toilet travels and seat covers, thanks to my aunt) and then dinner with my mother, sister, and sisters boyfriend. My sweet potato casserole didn't turn out horrid (I have pictures to upload, somewhere).

The days melted together in some sort of pleasurable family gathering, filled with food and nice words, and only occasionally marred by real life. Today, on the 26th, I said goodbye to my aunt, watched Snow Day with my father, and then went and spent time with Ashley.

Also, left a waitress my number. As Dare has gotten on my case about not flirting, I thought it worth mentioning.

Beth is due in on the night of the 29th. It means tomorrow is filled with cleaning and panic! Hurrah. It will be an adventure, I think, and I shall have to assert it as such.

Next update? Tuesday, before I leave. Pictures of my baking exploration and cleaning horrors will be present.


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