Thursday, December 31, 2009

T-Minus Sixty Nine Days

Beth was picked up in an (almost) timely manner. The flight delayed itself in Dallas/Ft. Worth due to slush/ice/snow and she ended up in Florida at a bright and shiny midnight! Having been up since eight AM, I was less than awake. Regardless, a lolita dress was worn in order to greet this Canadian arrival and all was well.

While waiting for her, I picked up a magazine at the airport. Shocked as I was to see something open at ten thirty in the evening, I just grabbed the most interesting looking magazine at the time. It happened to be a 'Scientific Mind' journal, with one of the leading articles about the internet and why social networks online are ruining the actual social networks in 'reality'.

It was an interesting article. In it, they said that blogs are made for the single purpose of trying to make a voice on the internet and to let everyone know exactly what it is they're doing each and every moment of each and every day.

Makes sense even when read aloud the first time. Of course, I had to think of my own blog and what it's purpose in 'life' is. I'm moving. It's a stressful time for me: I have less in the bank I need to make my car payment, I have other bills to add on to that and I have company until the 6th that makes me unable to work. Brilliant! So, the blog.

It's to help with the sanity, I think. I'm not expecting people outside of my close friends and family to read this, as it's of little interest to anyone else. The ramblings of some broke ass twenty something? Welcome to every other sob story out there on the streets. No, this is to keep everyone who worries about me in the know-all about what's going on. So Mom doesn't flip out, thinking I fell off the face of the Earth. If I don't call for a week? Blog says I'm out on the town, working overtime or something else equally time consuming. Fears abated!

Sounds rational. I like to think it is. Even when Dad sets out on the road, he can check every so often in case our phones don't connect or letters don't reach - something like that.

The internet is a place to be heard! It's something you go to in order to express yourself, to live your life. Does it destroy 'real' social networks by breaking down the barriers required to teach someone necessary social skills for the real world? Maybe. It depends on the person. For me, talking on the internet is a way of being able to communicate in order to BUILD on my social network.

Through the internet and forums such as Gaia and Livejournal, I've discovered many new friends - one of which is flopped beside me in pirate pajamas! It's why I'm moving, thanks to Darian and the backbone to actually do what it is I wanted to.

The job hunt starts on Friday. I refresh the resume and start sending it out to various places of (hopefully) future employment. Starting with the first paycheck of this new year, half will go into my savings account and remain untouched. No more buying books, games, take-out food - none of that! No! Bills, care payments, and that's it.

Fingers are crossed, my loves. Tomorrow brings with us a night of change, hyenas, and hopefully some good old fashioned roller coasters.


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